Living with Asthma

Living with Asthma

Asthma can be managed well when patients like you are given the tools and knowledge necessary to optimize self-care. However, as more information becomes available on the internet, it is important to realize that it is easy to run into “information overload” with a diagnosis such as asthma. It can be a challenge for both patients and medical to sort through the information necessary to manage asthma triggers and symptoms. As a result, make sure you discuss any confusion about information you have read with your healthcare provider. Your provider may be able to provide clearer information on living with asthma. At the same time, it is important to appreciate why treatment plans and asthma maintenance therapies will optimize asthma management, even when asthma symptoms and triggers are controlled.

Reading high-quality resources and exploring asthma information on your own can help improve your relationship with your provider. Make sure you understand the reasoning behind your treatment plan and the maintenance therapies you may be using, even when you are not experiencing asthma symptoms. The potential negative effect of asthma on quality of life differs for every individual. By discussing asthma triggers, symptoms, and maintenance therapies with your healthcare team, you will understand asthma better and acquire knowledge that can positively influence your long-term treatment outcomes.